Friday, February 23, 2018

Feb. 23/18

We have had a fun and busy week! On Wednesday we had a special presentation from the 'Maple Man'.  Ask your child how he got and made his maple syrup!    I will add the pictures next week.

As part of our Club RED celebration we had a special guest author.  Linda Smith she is the author of One Two Many.  This book is one we are using as part of our Compassion unit and has a very special message.

Remember that Tuesday is our 100th day of school...
In celebration of being 100 days smarter, we want students to come to school wearing 100 of something! Please don’t think you have to go out and buy anything. Below are a few ideas that involve items you might just have around the house! The only thing we ask is that it is school appropriate of course and realistic for your child to wear all day at school. We can’t wait to see all the creativity!
A few ideas:
  • A necklace with 100 beads or cereal
  • 100 dots on a shirt
  • Pom poms attached to a shirt
  • 100 hair ties
  • 100 safety pins
Enjoy your weekend in the snow!

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 16, 2018

A short but busy week.  Thanks to Liberty, Kali, Lily, Chase and Vienna  for bringing in snacks for our valentine's celebration.   The students were very excited to give and receive their valentines.  Thanks for your help with this.

In your child's Poetry this week I have included some 'Olympic homework', they have two weeks to complete this so it is due Monday, Feb. 26th.  The students were excited to talk and learn more about the olympics. They brainstormed some excellent questions!

Skating is next Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 12:40.  Please sign up on the portal and send in the $ for skates and helmets asap.  Boosters are needed so please send on Tuesday am. Thanks to everyone who signed up to drive we will see you Tuesday afternoon!

Fairview Leadership students are hosting a bake sale next Friday, Feb. 23rd. Treats will be $1- $2.

Hopefully everyone is continuing to read and fill out their Club RED calendars.  If possible next week (Monday - Thursday) please send in 1-3 gently used books for our Book Swap. These will be placed in the library and then on Friday morning every class will have a chance to go and choose a 'new' book that they will be able to keep.  Friday afternoon we will have hallway reading sharing these books!

Our hundred day celebration is just around the corner, Tuesday, Feb. 27th.  This year as I mentioned we are wearing our 100 Day collections - we are looking forward to seeing all these creations.

I will not be sending home any Scholastic this month as there will be a book fair in the library.  Information on this will be sent home soon.

There will be changes to our recycling program at the school coming soon but please encourage your child to pack in and pack out their lunches and snacks as this is a new addition to our already busy custodian's work load.   Thanks for your support.

Mark your calendars for Grandparent Day, Thursday, March 29th in the afternoon (just before our Easter long weekend).

Please notify the office directly when your child is going to be absent from school.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8

Division 9 has a new student.   Aashton has joined our class, the students were very welcoming to him and excited that he was back!

On Wednesday we had a fire safety presentation and everyone is bringing home a homework packet for families to do and review.  The fire fighters were impressed with Div. 9's knowledge about fire safety.

Just a reminder that there is no school for the next three days; tomorrow Friday, February 9th (altered calendar day),  Monday, Feb. 12th due to Family Day and on Tuesday, Feb. 13th.

Then Wednesday is Valentine's Day.  Please remember if your child is handing out valentines it is important that they give them to everyone in the class so we are including everyone.  Below is another list of all the students in Div. 9.  ***Note this includes our new student so if you have already done your valentines you will need to do one more.

Josh Kamryn   Aashton   Eleana  Jared   Mannat  Stephen   Kali    Jerome   Libby   Ben   Vienna
Alanna   Ava    Lily   Teresa   Alexis   Chase   Sienna     Cody    Rachel   Roman

For our celebration in the afternoon the following people are providing our snacks and goodies.    Kali - fruit plate, Chase - veggie plate, Vienna - sweet treat,  Liberty - popcorn/chips or pretzels,
Lily - other?    Thank you in advance.

Also just a reminder that Wed. Feb. 14th is also Poem in a Pocket day as part of our Club RED.  Hopefully everyone is remembering to read and record/initial their daily reading on their calendar.  Div. 9 let's see how many Club RED members we can get in our class!

There will be no spelling next week with only three days of school.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 1st, 2018

February is Club RED month at Fairview!  You should have received the letter and calendar on Wednesday.  Please note that tomorrow Friday, Feb. 2nd is Flashlight reading, Div. 9 is super excited because we will be reading with Mrs. Van Buuren's kindergarten class.  If possible please send your child with a favourite picture book and a flashlight that day.  

Your child is also bringing home another place value sheet that needs to be done for homework.  It is similar to the one they did a couple weeks ago.  Thanks for your assistance with this.

Treat Day is on Tuesday and Wednesday Feb. 6 & 7th at lunch
- TCBY frozen yogurt $2.00 or chips/doritos for $1.00. ***Thanks again to our PAC!
There is also a bake sale on Feb. 8 that our Leadership students are putting on to raise money for Haiti.

Valentine's Day is February 14th.  I did put a list of all students in Div. 9 on the blog a couple weeks for you to use when your child is doing their valentines.  It is also Poem in a Pocket Day so students are encouraged to bring a poem in their pocket to share with adults and their classmates. 

Come Read With Me - on Thursday, Feb. 15 from 6 - 7 at Fairview.  Learn how to help your child become a life-long reader!  This program will give you examples of how to help children read naturally and have fun at the same time!  Babysitting and snacks will be provided plus an opportunity if you'd like afterwards to immediately use some of these new skills and read with your child from 7- - 7:30.  We are very fortunate to have our the Literacy Committee sponsor this program.  If you are available to attend please RSVP:     We are really hoping to get a good turn out for this as like mentioned in our Club RED letter - home reading is drastically decreasing and this is such an important and enjoyable activity for everyone!

Our next skating field trip on Tuesday, Feb. 20th is now up on the portal.

It will be the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 27th.  Please remember that we are 'wearing' our 100 day project this year!

Yikes - February is going to be a very busy but fun month!  

Thursday, February 15th