Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29

It was a fun but busy week in Div. 9 with a Terry Fox assembly and then the run on Thursday. Due to the fact that Fairview did such an amazing job of Fundraising lots of things happened in our school.  Below are evidence of my make-up job because we hit the $500.00 mark.   The play dough creations are before and after everyone got a turn to put make-up on me!   

Please remember to sign up on the portal for our Author Visit on Friday, Oct. 13th and send in the bus fare.  We also have skating on Tuesday, Oct. 24th at 12:40 but the permission forms for this will follow at a later date!      Please be sure to send in school supply money or pay online and ensure your child has inside shoes.  Also if you haven't had a chance to sign up to bring something for one of our special celebrations please do or send me an email and I can sign you up.  Halloween is already full.  Thanks so much - I do realize how crazy September is!

Photos, fire safety information were sent home as well as hot lunch, spirit wear and Vesey Bulb fundraiser.  Please check the dates for when all of these are due.    Have a good weekend!

Photo credits to Lily!

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22/17

We have a field trip to Maple Ridge Public Library for a special author visit on Friday, Oct. 13th in the morning.  We will be using public transit so will need parent helpers to walk and accompany us on the bus.  The field trip notice will go out next week.    Hopefully you have also marked Oct. 24th in the afternoon on your calendars for skating.

We have a PEANUT ONLY allergy!   Almonds and tree nuts are okay.

Thanks to everyone who confirmed their email, I will send out another email today and if everyone who didn't have a chance to reply please do so asap - that way I know I have your current email address.  Thanks

Scholastic orders I will extend as several students said they had orders - last day is Tuesday.  Thanks (please don't feel you have to order but I wanted to give you the time if you did!). Please remember to  pay online or pay cheque.

Please note that Monday is a professional development day so there is no school for students.

Terry Fox run is next Thursday afternoon.  Walking permission forms must be completed on the portal before then or your child will need to stay on the school grounds so please complete these immediately.  If you'd like to join our class walking or running that day please let me know.  We are also looking for a couple more parents to be spotters on the route so please notify the school if you can help out there.  Fairview has raised over $300 so far but our goal is $1000.00 so please continue to send in your donations!

School supply fees are $55.00 and should be either paid online or sent in this next week if possible.  Thanks to everyone who has already paid.

Our PAC has sent home entertainment books with every child please remember to return the envelope with money if you want to purchase the book or books and if not return the book to the classroom.

Please ensure your child has inside shoes (running shoes) as soon as possible.   Especially now that it is fall!  Just the couple days we had rain we noticed how dirty how classroom and carpet got when some students didn't change their shoes.

A huge thank you to Sienna's Grandpa for cutting wood for our Thanksgiving craft.  Your time and expertise is really appreciated.

Fairview's cross-country will be starting for any interested students after school next Wednesday.  We had a meeting today at lunch and handed out forms but it's not too late if your child is interested.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Wow - we all survived this first full week and are fairly quickly learning our classroom routines!   Good work Div. 9!   Thanks to everyone who has sent back the Parent Survey - it really helps me to get to know your child better.  Just a reminder to those of you that have not sent in inside shoes if you could please do so asap (so far we have had beautiful weather but it's doubtful it will last so to keep our classroom and the gym clean - inside shoes (runners or sneakers) are a must!). Also please send in the $55.00 for school supplies or pay online as soon as possible.  Thanks so much.  The PAC is asking for donations of $5 for emergency kits and if you could also send in a comfort kit for your child.

Highlights of this week were...
*We started our Happy Home Reading - please remember that your child is choosing these books so they aren't necessarily ones that they can read - they might be too difficult and you need to read them to them or might be too easy (so practice reading with good fluency and expression).  We will be talking more about how to choose a book that is a good level and in October sometime we will start our Just Right Reading program.
*We began a cool literacy project 'The Name Challenge!" trying to find as many words as possible out of the Special Helper's name - your child will bring their sheet home and your challenge is to see if you can find even more words and return the sheet to school!
*Explorations - at explorations we go to 5 different stations with a set group and have the opportunity to work with some different classmates!
*Birthdays - we discussed and graphed all of our birthdays!
*Computer Lab - we worked on some keyboarding, some math and of course some free time!
*PE or also known as gym
*We reviewed WITS and designed posters - Ask me about WITS
*All About ME! - all our favourites!

Please make note of the following...

Class Celebration sign up for treats is now available so if you want to stop in and sign up for one celebration that would be really appreciated.

Entertainment books went home today.  Please remember to return the enclosed envelope with a cheque or return the books if you are not interested.  Thanks to our PAC for organizing this fundraiser and hopefully it will be as successful as it has in the past.  Thanks to everyone for your support!!

Thursday, Sept. 21 is Picture Day - not Wednesday like I had originally said - sorry :(

Scholastic if you are interested is due on Friday, Sept. 22.    Our Terry Fox campaign begins on Monday and runs until Sept. 28th.  Fairview's goal is to raise $1000.00 this year to support Terry's dream - a world without cancer.  Students are encouraged to donate a "townie" or more (realistically we need each student to bring in $3.00 to meet our goal!). Students can bring their money to school or parents can choose to donate directly online for a receipt (if the donation is $10 or more).  You should have received a letter about this on the portal.  Please make sure you fill out all the forms on the portal asap - we will need the walking form done before your child can participate in the Terry Fox Run.

Skating - we have confirmed two skating dates already so please mark your calendars
Tuesday, Oct. 24 and Tuesday, Feb. 20  both are after lunch 12:40 - 2:20.  We are waiting to hear back about a third one in December so will keep you posted.  Parent Drivers will be needed for these.  Thanks in advance.  

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out with the class and as you can see I've already put Cody's mom to work doing the Scholastic!  If anyone would like to make some play dough for the classroom that would be great!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12/17

Hopefully you all received this letter home today!

Dear Parents of Division 9 Students,
I hope you all had a fun and relaxing summer.  Like all of you, I also look forward to the new school year.  I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to my class and answer some questions you may have about this school year.

School Supplies/Planners

This year as most of you already know we are once again collecting $55.00 from all the primary students to cover the cost of school supplies and a planner.  All the supplies have arrived, have been organized and we are ready to get to work!  Each child will have their own pencil box with felts, crayons, duotangs and scribblers while some of the other supplies will be shared.  If you could please send this money in or pay on the parent portal asap that would be appreciated.   (Please make cheques payable to Fairview Elementary) and thanks to all of you that have already paid these.
Our student planner will provide home and school communication throughout the year.  It will be sent home daily in your child’s own ziplock bag, and should be returned to school the following morning.  In addition, please note that on every page there is a section for Parent/Teacher comments.  Feel free to use this for any information you think I need to know such as medical/dental appointments, who is picking up, etc.  The plastic pocket at the front of the planner will be used for sending notices, money, etc. to and from school.  PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK IT EACH DAY.  The planner is also used to record the students’ home reading each day (which we started yesterday).  Could you please remember to sign or initial each night after reading.   Students will need a pair of sturdy running “indoor” shoes.  These will be used for gym and the classroom, this helps keep our school clean.  An extra set of clothes (including socks and underwear) is also suggested in case of any type of accidents (bathroom and puddles!).

West Coast Recess/Lunch and Forest Fun
Most days students will be going outside for recess and lunch even if it is raining.  If the weather is very severe the students will either be offered a choice day or possibly an inside day.  Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for all kinds of weather.  We will also be going to our forest weekly so rain boots are recommended because as you know children love puddles and mud!

Litterless Lunch/ Nut Free Classroom
Your child has probably told you that we are asking all students to take home all their garbage and recycling.  Please include a ziplock in your child’s lunchkit for easy clean-up. Please note we are a nut free classroom so please do not send anything in your child’s lunch or snacks that contain nuts.   Thanks for your support with this.

Getting to Know Your Child/Volunteers
I have attached a questionnaire that I would like you to fill out and return as soon as possible.  These give me valuable information and insights about your child that sometimes would take me months to discover.  Thank you!  If you would like to help out please sign and return the attached sheet.  Thanks J
Weekly Schedule/Themes
Hopefully Division 9’s timetable is set… Our library book exchange will be on Monday.  We have gym scheduled for Tuesday and Friday but as most of you know the Ministry has mandated 30 minutes of physical activity everyday so please ensure that your child is dressed in comfortable clothes everyday so that they are able to fully participate in all activities.  Mrs. Boyes will teach the gym on Tuesdays. 
The students will have Music with Mrs. Godfrey on Monday and Wednesdays.  We will have Buddies with Mrs. Murray’s class each Monday.  Computers will be on Thursday and Family Reading every Friday at 8:30 – 8:45 (starting on Sept. 15th).
We will start the year off with building our classroom community, learning about each other and making new friends and then we will move onto a unit on Canada.

Upcoming Events
Individual Photos – Wednesday, September 21st
Pro D Day (no school for students) – Monday, September 25th
Terry Fox Run - Thursday, Sept. 28  1:00 pm ***Walking Field Trip forms must be filled out before this date and are on the Parent Portal  VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED

We will have four celebrations throughout the year.  I am hoping that each parent could bring a snack for one of these.  I will have these available to start signing up Friday at our first Family Reading.  If you are not available, please come by anytime to choose one holiday that you could send something.  Thanks your help is really appreciated. J

Class Blog/Website/Scholastic Book Orders
Division 9 has their own blog which you can access by going to Fairview Elementary, then Classroom Websites and then Ms Rowledge-Toscani.  OR the address is     I will also be putting a label with this address in the front of your child’s planner.  This is the main method of communication in our class and I will update weekly (usually Friday but for sure by Sunday!).  Please check regularly so you know what we have been up to and what is coming up.
Several times during the year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms.  Please do not feel you ever have to purchase any books but if you are interested they always have books at very reasonable prices.  Please indicate your choices, if any, and enclose a cheque payable to Scholastic Book Services, in a sealed envelope or you can pay online and send in just your child’s order form.  Unfortunately, I can’t accept cash.  Please return the forms by the due date.

I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year with your children.  I am also looking forward to working with you, the parents – partners in your child’s education. 
I will do our best to keep you informed on what is going on in the classroom.  If you have any questions please do ask, either write a note in the planner, in person or call the school at 604-465-9331.  You can also reach me by email at but please note I don’t have a chance during the day to check it but will get back to you asap and if it is something urgent it is best to call the school. 

Thank you,                                 Sheralyn Rowledge-Toscani

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Welcome to Div. 9's Class Blog!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
On this blog you will find everything that is happening and going to happen in Div. 9.
Monthly newsletters and calendars will be posted as well as weekly updates - we are trying to be environmentally friendly so there will be no paper copies.   Please try to get into the habit of visiting this site regularly. Student photos will be posted and they will have input as to what is included and shared on this blog. Please also be sure to check out the useful links for good educational websites.   Hope you enjoy and check it regularly!