Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29/18

Grandparent Day in Div. 9!   A huge thank you to Nancy Zuccaro for providing our special Canada Flag cookies. We really enjoyed decorating and eating them!

Please remember to sign up for our field trip on April 10th and we still need parent drivers. Also if you were not able to get the library form in please take it directly to the Maple Ridge Public Library by April 6th.  Thank you.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter long weekend.  Your child is bringing home an Easter Poem book that they will share with you and yesterday they also brought home their 'sock bunny'!  They were very excited making these and creating these other pastel bunnies.  Don't they look great?

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 9/18

Fairview's Club RED celebration today was a big success!  Our guest reader was Mary Johnston a retired teacher who used to work at Fairview.  Her story of the 'Tacky the Penguin' was engaging for all.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our last minute presentation this morning.  I was very proud of the students for their great job!  As a follow-up for 'M is for Maple' you will notice Canadian inventors in your child's Poetry book.  They also have a word search that should be completed over the break and some students wanted to do a bit more research on a Canadian invention or create their own invention! 

We are now winding up our Canada unit, we had many highlights and the students have learned so much about their country.  Below is a group playing Canada-opoly!

I forgot to post this last week - but last Friday during Free Choice, our Classroom was turned into
'Kamryn's Hair Salon!

The Fairview choir presented at the assembly on Thursday and provided great entertainment.

Div. 8 & 9 are the lucky winners to attend a special author visit at the public library on April 10th, we will put this on the portal after spring break but please mark your calendars.

Don't forget to remind grandparents (or a special family member) that Thursday, March 29th in the afternoon is Grandparent Day!  Div. 8 and 9 have an exciting afternoon planned!

Hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable spring break.

Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2/18

Wow - it's hard to believe it is already March.  I have updated the March calendar on this blog.

Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come celebrate your child's learning and help them set goals for this next term.

In your child's JRR bag they have or will be bringing home a large blue paper with M is for Maple on it.   Please practice reading this with them.  Different groups in the class with have several of the letters that they will be presenting to the class.  Thanks!

We have confirmed our field trip to Grouse Mountain.  It will be on Friday, May 25th so please mark your calendars.  More details to follow at a later date.

Our Hundred Day was a big success.  Wearing 100 things was a different but great way to show off different collections.  Great creativity and lots of good counting. All the students in Div. 9 did an excellent job of what they'd look like at 100!  Below is a picture of all these great looking seniors!

Club RED calendars are due, please send in asap (with every square signed). Thanks our celebration will be on Friday, March 9th.  Please wear red if you have it.

The current PAC fundraiser is raffle baskets.  Our theme basket is:  BBQ season so if you would like to contribute please send in money or related items.  Thanks so much your support is really appreciated.

Grandparent Day is on Thursday, March 29th (the afternoon before Good Friday).  A grandparent or other special family member are welcome to attend.  More details to follow.

Below are the pictures of the Maple Man that I promised...