Hopefully you all received this letter home today!
Dear Parents of Division 9 Students,
I hope you all had a fun and
relaxing summer. Like all of you, I also
look forward to the new school year. I’d
like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to my class and
answer some questions you may have about this school year.
School Supplies/Planners
This year as most of you
already know we are once again collecting $55.00 from all the primary students
to cover the cost of school supplies and a planner. All the supplies have arrived, have been
organized and we are ready to get to work!
Each child will have their own pencil box with felts, crayons, duotangs
and scribblers while some of the other supplies will be shared. If you could please send this money in or pay
on the parent portal asap that would be appreciated. (Please make cheques payable to Fairview Elementary)
and thanks to all of you that have already paid these.
Our student planner will
provide home and school communication throughout the year. It will be sent home daily in your child’s
own ziplock bag, and should be returned to school the following morning. In addition, please note that on every page
there is a section for Parent/Teacher comments.
Feel free to use this for any information you think I need to know such
as medical/dental appointments, who is picking up, etc. The plastic pocket at the front of the
planner will be used for sending notices, money, etc. to and from school. PLEASE
planner is also used to record the students’ home reading each day (which we
started yesterday). Could you please
remember to sign or initial each night after reading. Students
will need a pair of sturdy running “indoor” shoes. These
will be used for gym and the classroom, this helps keep our school clean. An extra set of clothes (including
socks and underwear) is also suggested in case of any type of accidents
(bathroom and puddles!).
West Coast Recess/Lunch and Forest Fun
Most days students will be
going outside for recess and lunch even if it is raining. If the weather is very severe the students
will either be offered a choice day or possibly an inside day. Please ensure your child has appropriate
clothing and footwear for all kinds of weather.
We will also be going to our forest weekly so rain boots are recommended
because as you know children love puddles and mud!
Litterless Lunch/ Nut Free Classroom
Your child has probably told
you that we are asking all students to take home all their garbage and
recycling. Please include a ziplock in
your child’s lunchkit for easy clean-up. Please note we are a nut free
classroom so please do not send anything in your child’s lunch or snacks that
contain nuts. Thanks for your support
with this.
Getting to Know Your Child/Volunteers
I have attached a
questionnaire that I would like you to fill out and return as soon as
possible. These give me valuable
information and insights about your child that sometimes would take me months
to discover. Thank you! If you would like to help out please sign and
return the attached sheet. Thanks J
Weekly Schedule/Themes
Hopefully Division 9’s
timetable is set… Our library book exchange will be on Monday. We have gym scheduled for Tuesday and Friday
but as most of you know the Ministry has mandated 30 minutes of physical
activity everyday so please ensure that your child is dressed in comfortable
clothes everyday so that they are able to fully participate in all activities. Mrs. Boyes will teach the gym on
The students will have Music
with Mrs. Godfrey on Monday and Wednesdays.
We will have Buddies with Mrs. Murray’s class each Monday. Computers will be on Thursday and Family Reading every Friday at 8:30 –
8:45 (starting on Sept. 15th).
We will start the year off
with building our classroom community, learning about each other and making new
friends and then we will move onto a unit on Canada.
Upcoming Events
Individual Photos –
Wednesday, September 21st
Pro D Day (no school for students)
– Monday, September 25th
Terry Fox Run - Thursday,
Sept. 28 1:00 pm ***Walking Field Trip
forms must be filled out before this date and are on the Parent Portal VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED
We will have four
celebrations throughout the year. I am
hoping that each parent could bring a snack for one of these. I will
have these available to start signing up Friday at our first Family
Reading. If you are not available,
please come by anytime to choose one holiday that you could send
something. Thanks your help is really appreciated.
Class Blog/Website/Scholastic Book Orders
Division 9 has their own blog
which you can access by going to Fairview Elementary, then Classroom Websites
and then Ms Rowledge-Toscani. OR the
address is https://div9fairview.blogspot.ca I will also be
putting a label with this address in the front of your child’s planner. This is the main method of communication in our
class and I will update weekly (usually Friday but for sure by
Sunday!). Please check regularly so you know what we have been up to and what is
coming up.
Several times during the year
your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms. Please do not feel you ever have to purchase
any books but if you are interested they always have books at very reasonable
prices. Please indicate your choices, if
any, and enclose a cheque payable
to Scholastic Book Services, in a sealed envelope or you can pay online and
send in just your child’s order form. Unfortunately, I can’t accept cash.
Please return the forms by the due date.
I am looking forward to an
exciting and productive year with your children. I am also looking forward to working with
you, the parents – partners in your child’s education.
I will do our best to keep
you informed on what is going on in the classroom. If you have any questions please do ask,
either write a note in the planner, in person or call the school at
604-465-9331. You can also reach me by
email at sheralyn_rowledge-toscani@sd42.ca but please note I don’t have a chance during the day
to check it but will get back to you asap and if it is something urgent it is
best to call the school.
Thank you, Sheralyn