Wow - we all survived this first full week and are fairly quickly learning our classroom routines! Good work Div. 9! Thanks to everyone who has sent back the Parent Survey - it really helps me to get to know your child better. Just a reminder to those of you that have not sent in inside shoes if you could please do so asap (so far we have had beautiful weather but it's doubtful it will last so to keep our classroom and the gym clean - inside shoes (runners or sneakers) are a must!). Also please send in the $55.00 for school supplies or pay online as soon as possible. Thanks so much. The PAC is asking for donations of $5 for emergency kits and if you could also send in a comfort kit for your child.
Highlights of this week were...
*We started our Happy Home Reading - please remember that your child is choosing these books so they aren't necessarily ones that they can read - they might be too difficult and you need to read them to them or might be too easy (so practice reading with good fluency and expression). We will be talking more about how to choose a book that is a good level and in October sometime we will start our Just Right Reading program.
*We began a cool literacy project 'The Name Challenge!" trying to find as many words as possible out of the Special Helper's name - your child will bring their sheet home and your challenge is to see if you can find even more words and return the sheet to school!
*Explorations - at explorations we go to 5 different stations with a set group and have the opportunity to work with some different classmates!
*Birthdays - we discussed and graphed all of our birthdays!
*Computer Lab - we worked on some keyboarding, some math and of course some free time!
*PE or also known as gym
*We reviewed WITS and designed posters - Ask me about WITS
*All About ME! - all our favourites!
Please make note of the following...
Class Celebration sign up for treats is now available so if you want to stop in and sign up for one celebration that would be really appreciated.
Entertainment books went home today. Please remember to return the enclosed envelope with a cheque or return the books if you are not interested. Thanks to our PAC for organizing this fundraiser and hopefully it will be as successful as it has in the past. Thanks to everyone for your support!!
Thursday, Sept. 21 is Picture Day - not Wednesday like I had originally said - sorry :(
Scholastic if you are interested is due on Friday, Sept. 22. Our Terry Fox campaign begins on Monday and runs until Sept. 28th. Fairview's goal is to raise $1000.00 this year to support Terry's dream - a world without cancer. Students are encouraged to donate a "townie" or more (realistically we need each student to bring in $3.00 to meet our goal!). Students can bring their money to school or parents can choose to donate directly online for a receipt (if the donation is $10 or more). You should have received a letter about this on the portal. Please make sure you fill out all the forms on the portal asap - we will need the walking form done before your child can participate in the Terry Fox Run.
Skating - we have confirmed two skating dates already so please mark your calendars
Tuesday, Oct. 24 and Tuesday, Feb. 20 both are after lunch 12:40 - 2:20. We are waiting to hear back about a third one in December so will keep you posted. Parent Drivers will be needed for these. Thanks in advance.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out with the class and as you can see I've already put Cody's mom to work doing the Scholastic! If anyone would like to make some play dough for the classroom that would be great!
Have a great weekend!