Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday the 13th of October!

Div. 9 had a lucky day!  The weather was perfect for our field trip to the Public Library to see and hear the author and creator/artist  Holman Wang. Thanks to Roman's grandma, Vienna, Kamryn and Ben's moms for joining us for this trip.  The students liked the bus trip plus really enjoyed learning Mr. Wang's journey to become an author and how he makes all the characters in his board books.  Ask your child about their field trip - when we brainstormed this afternoon they were very excited to share.  Prior to the field trip we had looked at the videos on the link below which explains the process he uses to make all his characters. 

We are hoping to do some kind of art project using some of his ideas so if anyone has any yarn that  can be donated to the class that would be really appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

This past week was fire safety week and all the students were sent home information from the fire department which hopefully you have discussed and made your home escape plan.  We also read a couple stories today and discussed the importance of knowing and being able to repeat their addresses.  Please practice this with your child because if an emergency did occur they need to be prepared.

Div. 9 has 3 upcoming field trips planned so please keep these dates open on your calendars.
Tuesday, Oct. 24th pm - skating at Planet Ice (form should be up on the portal soon  - it has been submitted)
Friday, Nov. 17th - Fort Langley
Friday, Dec. 15th - Burnaby Village Museum