Friday, November 17, 2017

Nov. 17th

Thanks to all the parents who joined us for Fort Langley.  We totally lucked out with the weather and the students seemed to enjoy it and learned about the fur trade.  Some of the highlights were dressing up in costumes, dancing, watching the blacksmith and panning for gold!

Jamie our Child Care Worker is coming to Div. 9 for 6 weeks to help the students review and learn 'The Zones of Regulation'.  We are focusing on self-regulation and how when we are in the different zones we have a variety of feelings and emotions.  Your child has brought home today (instead of their poetry books) what they have done so far.  Please have your child explain what the 'Green Zone' means - happy, calm, feeling okay, focused and ready to learn'.  They will be exploring their feelings and signs for each of the zones over the next few weeks.

Thanks to everyone who has already sent in earbuds.  If you haven't please do so as we have started using them during Reader's Workshop and in the computer lab.  Just a reminder that your child can access Raz Kids from home as a alternate source of reading.  JRR books were changed this week.

Scholastic book orders were handed out today, they are due back Thursday, Nov. 23rd. This is the last order before Christmas.  If you want to have any items for gifts please just indicate on the order form and then I will make sure to give it directly to a parent or hide it in a bag to keep it a secret for Xmas.

Upcoming important dates...

Nov. 21 & Nov. 22 - PAC Treat Days  TCBY Frozen Yogurt $2.00 Chips/Doritos $1.00
Please be sure to sign up for a meeting time via the 'Conference' link on this blog.  On the top of the conference sign-up is a detailed explanation about how the conference will run.  If you have any further questions please email me at
Nov. 30th - Early Dismissal 11:00 Student Led Conferences
Dec. 1st - No School Student Led Conferences
Dec. 12th Evening - Christmas Concert 6:30
Dec. 13th Afternoon - Christmas Concert 1:00
Dec. 15th - Burnaby Village Museum Field Trip (parent drivers needed)
Dec. 19th  Afternoon - Skating (parent drivers needed)

Hope you all have a good weekend and stay dry (the forecast doesn't look promising!)