We had a fantastic day at Grouse Mountain! Thank you to Ava, Jerome, Jared, Rachel, Kamryn, Josh and Ben's parents who joined us and helped out!
We also really enjoyed Michael Mitchel you came to Fairview on Wednesday. The students loved many of his songs but Canada in My Pocket is still definitely the favourite (they even sang it to the Grizzly Bear today in hopes that he'd wake up!)
Our Scientist this week were Vienna and Cody! Ask your child about elephant toothpaste and what makes an egg float!
Upcoming reminders...
On Wednesday we will once again be changing our Mystery Reading Bags. Please ensure that your child brings it to school and that all 5 books are in the bag. Thanks!
Div. 8 &9 will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday, May 31st. As part of our compassion unit, we are trying to raise money for a 'buddy bench'. This is a place where students can go if they can't find anyone to play with so that they can connect with other students who are in the same situation. We would really appreciate if everyone could send in 1-2 dozen treats for us to sell that day. We also need parent volunteers to help set up at 9:30 and sell during recess (9:50- 10:25) and lunch (11:45 - 12:30). Could you please email me to let me know if you can help out - sheralyn_rowledge@sd42.ca Thanks in advance for all your help with this special project.
We have booked a compost visit with Dan from Ridge Meadows recycling on June 4th and a field trip to the recycling depot on Friday, June 8th (9:15 start - drivers will be needed Please and Thank You!) a notice has been sent home on the parent portal. There is no cost for either activity.
Have a great weekend!