Friday, May 4, 2018

May 4/18

Mrs. Boyes sent me these cool pics from gym last week!  I had to share...

Lesson 12 will be our last spelling unit, it is a review so we will do it over 2 weeks.  Don't forget the link to Spelling City even when we are no longer doing spelling in the class as it would be a great way to have your child review their skills.  Hopefully your child has brought their Scientist of the week information as we will be starting next week.  All the children are very excited to be a scientist but if any of you have any questions please just let me know.

Decades Day' is on May 8th.  Students can dress up as any decade if they would like to participate.

We started our new 'Mystery Bag' reading program on Thursday.  Students received a bag with 5 books of varying levels.  The idea is that some will be read independently and some will be read with/by parents.  There is a sheet in each bag with some helpful hints on reading with your child.  If your child is an emergent reader and you would like an additional bag of books that are at their reading level, please email me and I will send one home.  Guided reading books will be sent home from now on in their planner bags.  All book bags will be changed once every two weeks and we ask that your child keeps them in his/her backpack so we may also enjoy them at school.  These are all brand new books that we are very lucky to have so please take really good care of these so that they will last!  

Our leadership group is also organizing a 'Walk for Water' event on May 18th.  Each student will need to bring in an empty 1 Litre jug for this event (plastic only, please)  Thank you!   

Finally, just a reminder to please sign your child up for the Grouse Mountain field trip and to pay the $10 for the memory book if you have not already done so. Cheques can be made out to Fairview Elementary.    Thanks!