Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 27/18

That's a wrap!! What a fun, successful year for all the students of Div. 9.  It was fun reminiscing the last few days at everything we did this year!  I commented that I don't think the memory books have ever been this full!

Today at the assembly we unveiled our new Buddy Bench!  Thanks to everyone who brought in baked goods to make it happen. Thanks again to Vienna's family for putting the bench together and for installing it this summer.  It will be great to have it for next year.

I can't thank everyone enough for all your support and kindness this year.  A huge thank you to Vienna, Kamryn and Liberty's moms for volunteering to help out with our Reader's Workshop each day!  Thanks also for the thoughtful gifts, hugs and thanks today. I really appreciate everything. 

Hope you all have a fun and safe summer!  Take Care

Sheralyn Rowledge-Toscani

Friday, June 22, 2018

June 23

Fun Day was amazing!   Thanks so much to the PAC and all the parents that helped out.  Fun was had by all!  Div.  9 was very proud of themselves for their success in the tug-o-war!  We do make a great team!  As you can see they were a little excited with our win against the 3/4 class.

Div. 9 also did an excellent job of their Earth Song presentation this morning for the parents.  I was proud of everyone - good work!

On Wednesday Ross from KEEPS came and did a very interesting environment presentation.  We learned how difficult a salmon's life is - ask your child how many salmon out of 2,000 actually live? We were very excited to discover all the creatures you can find just in creek water!

Please keep checking your homes for classroom and library books.  
Our class celebration is on Tuesday.  Thanks again to the following families for providing...      Roman (Fruit Tray), Rachel (Veggie Plate), Eleana (Sweet Treat), Cody (Popcorn/chips or pretzels) and Teresa (juice boxes). 

A huge thank you to Vienna's family for putting together our new buddy bench!  Div. 8 & 9 were very excited to see and sit on it!  On Tuesday at the assembly we'll be unveiling it!  

I wanted to thank all of you for your a great year and all your support with everything from field trips, baking, joining us for family reading, craft supplies, etc. etc!    Please keep looking for any classroom or library books and return to the school this next week.  

Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15th

Please have your child practice their environment poem that is in their mystery bag.  We will be presenting them to parents next Friday at Family Reading. We are hoping many parents can attend.  It is the day of Fun Day so thought that more parents could attend!   Please remember everyone is welcome to join us for Fun Day and volunteers are always needed.

If anyone can help out by taking home a bin or two of manipulatives to wash please let me know.  Your help would be really appreciated.

Poetry duotangs came home today - these DO NOT NEED TO BE RETURNED.  I will be starting to send home some of their books this next week so that we don't have as much the following week.

The students will be doing one last assessment of the Core Competencies, they will be bringing this home next week.  The rest of their report card will be available online.

Our year end celebration will be on Tuesday, June 26th in the afternoon. Snacks will be provided by...   Roman (Fruit Tray), Rachel (Veggie Plate), Eleana (Sweet Treat), Cody (Popcorn/chips or pretzels) and Teresa (juice boxes).  Thank you in advance.

Please check your homes for any library books or classroom books.  Please return all mystery bags by Wednesday.  We will continue to use them in the classroom but want to ensure we get all books returned.  Thanks!

Have a great Father's Day weekend!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

June 8th

Our week started with Dan doing an excellent worm workshop.  We learned so much about worms, ask me some of the facts we learned.

Tuesday we were very fortunate to work with Mrs. Howarth's class.  We learned how to make pinch pots out of clay and the whole process to fire and glaze.  We created our own and then later in June we'll be able to paint them.

Div. 1 & 2 will be having an entrepreneur fair on Thursday, June 14th in the afternoon.   The students have been working on creating business plans, understanding cost vs profit, developing product, pricing and packaging them.  Your child may brought home an order form today for a mug or a notebook (this is one of the projects but they are to be custom so need to be pre-ordered and pre-paid).  Div. 9 will be going to browse/buy these different products which range from $1-$5.

Thank you to Jerome, Jared, Kamryn, Vienna, Rachel and Liberty's parents for driving to the recycling depot tomorrow morning.  We will be leaving at 8:50.  Please ensure that your child dresses for the weather and wears proper footwear (rain is forecasted).  PLEASE SEND BOOSTER SEATS!

Could you please start looking at home for any classroom and library books and return them.  We will no longer be taking out any library books as they need to do inventory.

Volunteer Tea is on Tuesday, June 12th.  Please return the rsvp by tomorrow if you can make it.  Thanks again for all your help and support this year.

Friday, June 1, 2018

June 1st

Wow - it's hard to believe it is June!

A big thank you to all the parents who sent in yummy goodies for our bake sale!  Your support and time are very appreciated.  Thanks to Kamryn, Vienna's mom and Sienna's grandma for helping out with the bake sale - we couldn't have done it without your help.  We counted the money today and it looks like we raised $692.50!!  Our new buddy bench will soon be ordered!

We have a field trip next Friday, June 8 to the recycling depot.  Please sign up on the portal asap and please indicate if you can drive we are still short a few spots.

Unfortunately we have lice in our class so please check your child's hair daily as unfortunately it is that time of year again.

The calendar for June is now updated on this blog - we will have our year end celebration on Tuesday, June 26th.  Roman (Fruit Tray), Rachel (Veggie Plate), Eleana (Sweet Treat), Cody (Popcorn/chips or pretzels) and Teresa (juice boxes).  Thank you in advance.

Enjoy your weekend!