Thursday, June 7, 2018

June 8th

Our week started with Dan doing an excellent worm workshop.  We learned so much about worms, ask me some of the facts we learned.

Tuesday we were very fortunate to work with Mrs. Howarth's class.  We learned how to make pinch pots out of clay and the whole process to fire and glaze.  We created our own and then later in June we'll be able to paint them.

Div. 1 & 2 will be having an entrepreneur fair on Thursday, June 14th in the afternoon.   The students have been working on creating business plans, understanding cost vs profit, developing product, pricing and packaging them.  Your child may brought home an order form today for a mug or a notebook (this is one of the projects but they are to be custom so need to be pre-ordered and pre-paid).  Div. 9 will be going to browse/buy these different products which range from $1-$5.

Thank you to Jerome, Jared, Kamryn, Vienna, Rachel and Liberty's parents for driving to the recycling depot tomorrow morning.  We will be leaving at 8:50.  Please ensure that your child dresses for the weather and wears proper footwear (rain is forecasted).  PLEASE SEND BOOSTER SEATS!

Could you please start looking at home for any classroom and library books and return them.  We will no longer be taking out any library books as they need to do inventory.

Volunteer Tea is on Tuesday, June 12th.  Please return the rsvp by tomorrow if you can make it.  Thanks again for all your help and support this year.